College of Business News

Alex Fayman, assistant professor of finance, had his paper An Empirical Examination of the Stated Purposes of Issuer Tender Offers to Purchase Common Stock” recently accepted by Financial Management, which is considered an elite journal in the field of Finance. This paper documents the purposes of issuer tender offers to repurchase stock, as stated in SEC disclosures, over the period 1994-2006. The paper was co-authored by Jessica Kay Dunn and Jamie John McNutt, both of SIU Carbondale.
Dr. Doug Voss, assistant professor and director of the UCA College of Business Center for Cooperative Logistics Education, Advancement, and Research (CLEAR) Center,  has been named to the editorial review board of the International Journal of Logistics Management beginning Fall 2010 and the editorial review board for Journal of Business Logistics. The Journal is regarded as the premier logistics journal in the supply chain management discipline.
Dr. Michael Hargis, assistant professor of management, was a part of a research team that presented a manuscript entitled “Internal Motivation, Ethical Leadership, and Ethical Mindfulness in Organizations” at the August meeting of the Academy of Management.  This paper examines the person-based and context-based factors that influence an employee’s ethical judgments of discretionary deviant behavior (e.g., being abusive; employee theft, not following instructions) and prosocial behaviors (helping colleagues who have been absent; adhering to informal rules and norms) within the workplace.   Co-authors on the paper were Christian Resick, Tyra Shoa, and Scott Dust, all from Drexel University.

Dr. Don B. Bradley, III, a professor of marketing at the University of Central Arkansas, was recently elected president of the International Council for Small Business at its annual ICSB World Conference in Cincinnati, Ohio. With this honor, Bradley will be president-elect at the International Conference in Stockholm, Sweden in June 2011 and will serve as international president at the ICSB conference in New Zealand in June 2012.  Bradley has previously served as a senior vice-president and a director at large for the ICSB Board. He has also served as the national president of three United States Associations for Small Business and Marketing.  He is the executive director of the Small Business Advancement National Center. Bradley was a featured speaker at a special VIP Event hosted by Cisco and the Cincinnati Bell Technology Group during the recent ICSB World Conference.  He spoke on how small businesses utilize social networking in their marketing plan.  He was joined at the podium by Dr. Thomas Conney of the Dublin Institute of Technology in Ireland and Dr. Rob van der Horst, Director of the Brussels Office EIM at the Hague, Netherlands.  Bradley also presented a paper co-authored by Michael J. Rubach, Ph.D., professor of management at the University of Central Arkansas,  and Justin E. Brown, Hewlett-Packard – Conway that was entitled, “The Challenges Facing Iraqi Entrepreneurs and the Response of the U.S. Government.”