SPARC Presents Proposed Mission,Vision,Goals

The Strategic Planning and Resources Council and its task forces presented drafts of mission statements and goals for community input as part of the development of a  strategic plan that establishes goals and initiatives for the university.

Campus-wide workshops on the university’s strategic plan were held Sept. 23 and Sept. 24.  Dr. Dave McFarland, the university’s strategic planning consultant, led the workshops.

Faculty and staff  worked in small groups to craft the official versions of the university’s statements of mission and institutional distinctiveness. The group also provided their thoughts on a vision statement and four to five large goals over the next three to five years.  Some suggestions  included continuous technological improvement, increasing academic and professional excellence, focusing on student engagment, and increasing diversity.

Revised drafts of the mission, vision and goals will be posted at the “Strategic Plan 2010” link on UCA’s homepage.

“With this work completed, the next step will be for all of us to formulate specific initiatives that we see as necessary to the accomplishment of these large goals.  We’ll devote the month of October and probably the early part of November to coming up with these initiatives,” said Mike Schaefer, chair of the Stragetic Planning and Resources Council. “During that time the Strategic Planning and Resources Council will hold forums with each college and with all other university entities to discuss what particular initiatives colleges, departments, offices, and individuals regard as necessary, whether those are things they wish to accomplish themselves or are things they need a larger entity to accomplish.”

 The full schedule of these meetings will be posted at the strategic plan link at a later date.

Dave McFarland will return for another campus-wide forum on Nov. 22 to facilitate a meeting  on prioritizing initiatives based on  feedback from students, faculty and staff.  The Strategic Planning and Resources Council will then develop a formal strategic plan that will go to the President and the Board of Trustees for approval.