Upcoming Events Around Campus

Back to School Forums Slated Sept. 2 and Sept. 7

Back to School Forums with President Allen Meadors and the executive staff are scheduled for 1:40 p.m., on Thurs., Sept. 2, and Tues., Sept. 7, in McCastlain Ballroom. These forums will provide faculty and staff an opportunity to ask questions about topics that were discussed in the Back to School Newsletter or any other topics of interest.

New Faculty Orientation Lunch and Learn

New to Conway? Wondering what there is to do on these wonderful fall weekends coming up? Please join us for a brown bag lunch (bring your own lunch and drink) on Sept. 2. IDC Director Margaret Malek will answer questions and share information for newcomers to the area. Returning faculty are also welcome to attend and share their expertise. The lunch will begin at 12:15 p.m. in Torreyson Library 319. Email idc@uca.edu or call 450-5240 to reserve your place.

Budget Advisory Committee Meeting Dates

The meeting dates for the Budget Advisory Committee have been set for the year. All meetings are open to the public. Meeting dates are: Sept. 16, Thompson Hall 331;Oct. 14, Wingo 315; Nov. 11, Wingo 315; Dec. 9, Wingo 315; Jan. 13, Wingo 315; Feb. 10, Wingo 315; March 10, Wingo 315; and April 21, Wingo 315. The membership of the Budget Advisory Committee is still under construction and will be finalized through college and at-large elections as well as staff and administrative appointments. Please see http://www.uca.edu/facultysenate/committees/budgetadvisory.php for details on our charge and our membership. Contact Lynn Burley, chair, at 450-3633 or lburley@uca.edu for more information.

Fitness Assessments Available at the HPER Fitness Center

Fitness assessments are now available at the HPER Fitness Center. The assessments are free to all students, faculty and staff. To sign-up, you must do so in person at the HPER Fitness Center. Ask for someone wearing a purple shirt in the cardio room. Each comprehensive fitness assessment lasts about an hour and consists of: health history questionnaire; sub-max bike test; body composition; and circumference measurements.

Staff Senate Seek Volunteers for UCA Football Games

The Staff Senate is looking for volunteers to work football games. The money raised by working football games helps support staff and staff dependent scholarships. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Austin Clowers at aclowers@uca.edu.

Office of Minority Student Services Seeks Mentors

The Office of Minority Student Services is seeking mentors for its Level II Mentorship Program. The office will match minority faculty and staff members to current minority upperclassmen (sophomores – seniors) in similar majors, experiences or interest. The program offers opportunities for faculty and staff mentors to share insights with UCA students and provides a meaningful way to connect faculty, staff and students. Mentors and mentees are asked to make contact on at least four occasions throughout a semester. Individuals interested in becoming a Faculty/Staff mentor should contact Angela Jackson, interim director of Minority Student Services, by Wednesday, Sept. 1. Angela can be reached at angelaj@uca.edu.

Beatles Tribute Scheduled Sept. 10 at Reynolds

“1964 -The Tribute”, named the “Best Beatles Tribute on Earth” by Rolling Stone, comes to Reynolds Performance Hall Sept. 10. The show begins at 7:30 p.m. “1964” recreates an early ‘60s live Beatles concert with period instruments, clothing, hairstyles, and on-stage banter.

Deborah Norville Kicks-off Distinguished Lecture Series Sept. 17

Deborah Norville, anchor of Inside Edition, America’s top-rated syndicated news magazine, will kickoff this year’s Distinguished Lecture Series. Before Inside Edition, Norville was with CBS News where she was a correspondent for Street Stories, 48 Hours, and co-anchor for America Tonight. The lecture begins at 7:30 p.m., Sept. 17 in Reynolds Performance Hall.

Educational Seminars and Professional Development Schedule

Sexual Harassment

Sept. 2, 9 – 10 a.m. Student Center #213

Sept. 20, 2 – 3 p.m. Student Center #213

Sept. 23, X-period Student Center #213

Sexual harassment online training is available on the UCA web page at “Human Resources” or “Training and Development” or at http://training.newmedialearning.com/psh/ucentralarkansas/choice.htm


This year’s topic of discussion – Sexual Orientation

Sept. 9, 2:30 – 4 p.m. Student Center #215

Sept. 16, 1:30 – 3 p.m. Student Center #215

Sept. 22, 1:30 – 3 p.m. Student Center #223/224

Sept. 28, 9 a.m.– 10:30 a.m. Student Center #215

Professional Development

Sept. 8, noon -1:30 p.m. SC #215 Intellectual Properties & Copyright Law
Jud Copeland (College of Education)

Recent legislative changes in the U.S. copyright law and intellectual property policies have highlighted the need to broaden knowledge of how information is produced and consumed inside the educational environment. What do instructors need to know about copyright and intellectual property for their own teaching, scholarship and publications? What do they need to know to direct the work product of their students? What do students need to know to become responsible researchers, creators, and authors? This presentation is a direct response to these issues.

To register for seminars, visit training@uca.edu. Specific questions may be directed to the Office of University Training at 450-3135 or Charlotte Strickland, education seminar coordinator at 450-5470 or training@uca.edu.