Physical Plant Update

The university has spent $20 million in renovations, repairs, and equipment during the 2009-2010 academic year.

Projects included $750,000 interior renovation on Burdick as well as a roof replacement. Burdick will house several offices including Information Technology and the Office of Veterans Services. Meadors Hall also received interior renovations.

Physical Plant has numerous projects still underway. Here is a partial list of ongoing and recently completed projects:

• completed painting of campus curbs and lines

• completed asphalt sealer on parking lot south of Wingo and L.A. Niven Drive

• completed welding repairs to Estes fence around stadium

• completed renovations to university guest house

• removed tennis court lights from athletic courts due to safety issue

• relamping all of Farris Center court lights and spectator areas

• adding new hot water system to College Square

• completed selection process for new residence Hall

• cleaning apartments and residence Halls

• renovations of Arkansas Hall

• updating campus signage

• laying carpet in some areas of Prince Center and Harrin Hall

• remodeling men’s and women’s basketball areas in Farris Center

• painting common areas in Old Main

• roof repairs

• new stair treads in McCastlain stairwell

• new roof at Athletic Administration offices and the Baseball House

• Estes Press Box repairs and painting

• renovations at the Alcohol and Drug Rehabilitation/Counseling Center

• new sidewalks at Alumni Circle, Snow Fine Arts, Bruce Street

• interior repaint at Reynolds Auditorium

• remodeling the former gross anatomy lab at Lewis Science Center

• survey work at Nature Reserve

• Stadium Park roofs are near 80% complete

• porch work at Farris Center

• water proofing work at Lewis Science

• refinish hard wood floors at Farris Center and Prince Center

• paint kitchen areas at Christian Cafeteria and Student Center.