UCA Staff News

UCA Police Capt. Justin Tapley’s family was named the Faulkner County Farm Family of the Year for 2010 in June. The Tapley family was chosen because of their innovative techniques in their section of the industry. The Farm Family of the Year program is sponsored by the Farm Bureau of Arkansas and the Faulkner County Extension Office and others, Joe Thrash, president of the Faulkner County Farm Bureau Board said. Jim Tapley, his wife Kathey Tapley and their sons, Justin and Jason Tapley, run the farm, which was homesteaded in the 1800s by Jim Tapley’s great-grandfather.

Linda Palmer, a Freshman Enrollment Specialist, has two young adult paranormal romances and a YA “novel byte” coming out later this year. Nightmare Interrupted is scheduled to come out this month. In October, Wolf-Run will be offered by Wild Horse Press as an e-book and in print. This is book two of a series called Wolf of My Heart. The Jingle Bell Jinx will be offered by Uncial Press as a download to e-readers in November. This is a novel byte also known as an alias short story.