Funds for Pay Raises in Reserve at Request of Governor

Funds allocated for raises for employees have been placed in reserve until later in the year at the request of the Governor.

The UCA Board of Trustees, at the request of President Allen Meadors, approved raises in May as part of the 2010-11 fiscal budget. However, Gov. Mike Beebe directed all state universities and colleges in June not to implement any pay raises until state officials know how the state’s economy is doing in the first half of the fiscal year.

The suspension of cost-of-living adjustments, merit raises, and annual career- service-recognition payments for fiscal year 2010-11 included faculty and non-classified employees.

The remaining portion of last year’s raises for classified employees was implemented on July 1.

President Meadors said it remains the university’s intention to provide the raises in January 2011.

“Barring a complete economic collapse in the state, I believe the approved raises will occur – be it retroactive – no later than January 2011,” he said.

Dr. Meadors met with Gov. Beebe earlier this month to present the university’s situation to him.

“He was very appreciative of the fact that our faculty and non-classified staff have not received any raises in the last two years (this would be the third year), but he is also concerned about the economic recovery of the state and feels it would be prudent to wait and see how the economy does over the first two quarters of the fiscal year,” Dr. Meadors said. “…If you are wondering what you can do to help, first and foremost encourage folks to buy their merchandise in Arkansas. We need healthy sales tax revenue over the first two quarters of this fiscal year.”

Dr. Meadors noted that at the end of the next fiscal year, the university will be in a stronger financial position than it has been in the past five to six years.