College of Health and Behavioral Sciences News

Dr. R. Kevin Rowell, an associate professor, conducted a workshop last month at the Jamia Millia Islamia University in New Delhi, India on how to prepare psychologists, counsellors and mental health practitioners to respond to the emotional and psychological needs of people affected by disasters.

The workshop, “’Providing Crisis Mental Health in Disasters,” focused on disasters and their impact, psychological crisis, standard immediate interventions, needs of adults, children and families, recovery interventions, special disaster isssues, and self care during and after the disaster.

Rowell is a certified trainer with the American Red Cross and a member of Disaster Response Network Committee of American Psychological Association.

The workshop was organized by Jamia’s Counseling and Guidance Centre in collaboration with Indian Association of Clinical Psychologists.

Dr. Letha Mosely, professor of occupational therapy, met with U.S. Senator Blanche Lincoln in Washington in June. They met to discuss Lincoln’s efforts to ensure seniors have access to rehabilitation therapy.