Busy Year Ahead for UCA Staff Senate

Newly elected members of the UCA Staff Senate learned about the role they will play in shared governance and supporting fellow staff members during an orientation June 30.

The senate’s mission is to provide communication and representation on behalf of the staff. Staff Senate President Larry Burns said the senate will continue the push for more staff participation in shared governance.

“The staff of this university can provide a perspective on university policy that may not have been heard in the past,” he said. “The staff of this university should have as much input as other constituencies in the shared governance of UCA. A strong, supported staff senate and a commitment to shared governance by all parties will help to increase morale and help UCA live up to its mission and accomplish its goals.”

Burns noted several accomplishments of the senate during the past year. The senate awarded more than $4,000 in scholarships, raised over $1,700 for the Angel Bear Tree, and secured funding for a yearly professional development fund for staff professional development. It also increased its scholarship endowment and employee of the year endowment.

The Staff Senate will have a busy 2010-11 year, he added. The senate is going to work with the administration to increase the professional development opportunities for staff. Additionally, the senate will be working with the administration to conduct an evaluation of adherence to state job descriptions, duties, and compensation.

“We will work with the administration to focus on alleviating the salary and duty inequities among the staff,” Burns said. “Another goal will be increasing employee recognition by the university. Currently, all Employee of the Year recognition and funding is provided by the Staff Senate and our fundraising activities. We will work with the university to continue these activities, but with support from the University.”