UCA Staff News

Brent Passmore, director of Web Development, is serving on the Council for Advancement and Support of Education’s 2011 Conference Committee as Marketing & Promotions co-chair. This joint conference between District 3 and District 4 will take place in New Orleans on February 20-23, 2011. For more information about CASE visit http://case.org.

Sgt. Brad Moore, with the UCA Police, has completed a four-week School of Law Enforcement Supervision (SLES) program at the Criminal Justice Institute. He successfully graduated the program on April 23. The Arkansas SLES program, which is aimed at law enforcement supervisory and command personnel and other leaders within the criminal justice system, emphasizes leadership, education, advancement of the law enforcement profession, development of the individual and agency, enthusiasm in the work place, and research on criminal justice issues. Nationally recognized presenters are selected to ensure law enforcement executives are informed, not only of practical procedures for managing their agency or department, but also of the latest trends, technology and problems impacting our society.