Speech-Language Pathology Program Receives Accreditation

The Department of Speech-Language Pathology at the University of Central Arkansas has received the designation of “continued accreditation” by the Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology.

The council accredits eligible clinical doctoral programs in audiology and master’s degree programs in speech-language pathology. Institutions of higher learning that offer graduate degree programs in audiology and speech-language pathology can voluntarily seek accreditation, according to the council’s website.

The accreditation is the national stamp of approval and assures students that the university’s program meets current professional standards, said John Lowe III, chair of the Department of Speech-Language Pathology.

The council found no areas of non-compliance during its review of the department’s program. The program met all curricular, clinical and administrative standards for accreditation. Graduates demonstrated learning of all knowledge and skills expected of speech-language pathology students. All graduates have qualified for national certification and state licensure, and have obtained employment.

“This reflects the continuing high standards of our master’s degree program in speech-language pathology, and is a credit to the excellent work of the faculty of the department,” Lowe said. “It is gratifying to receive this recognition, which requires considerable effort on the part of all members of the department.”

The chair of the council’s site team noted that UCA’s program is the only program in the country that requires all academic courses to be completed prior to any clinical experiences,Lowe said.

“The chair of the site team said he had been on about 25 site visits and that we are one of the two or three best programs he has seen,” Lowe added.

UCA’s master degree program in speech language pathology continues to draw applicants from many states, and is one of the larger programs in the country with 97 students. For more information, call (501) 450-3176.