New Staff Senators Elected During Spring Election

The UCA Staff Senate recently held its spring election for open seats on the senate. The Staff Senate is a representative body composed of staff members from various employment classifications and administrative divisions. Its purpose is to provide a forum to allow the non-faculty employees an opportunity to participate in the shared governance of the University. The senate’s mission is to provide communication and representation so that a positive attitude can be achieved within the university.

The new senators’ term will begin July 1. Term lengths are decided by total votes received and rotations as per the senate’s constitution. Newly elected senators are:

Advancement Division

Dianna K. Winters

Finance and Administration Division

Ashley Lyon
Kate Starnes
Jami Richardson

Division of University & Government Relations

Venita Jenkins

Office of the President

Rebekah Gardner

Provost Office

Edman Wilkes
Michelle Reinold
Ancil Lea

Student Services Division

Lindsey Osborne

Non Classified Staff

Larry Burns

C116 – C125 Classification Group
Kelsey Smyth
Tanya Buchanan

C110-C115 Classification Group

Tracy Spence

C106-C109 Classification Group

Austin Clowers

C103-C105 Classification Group

Lula Tyus