Did You Know?

• The colors for UCA were decided in 1908. According to one story, President Doyne assigned the task of developing the school colors to W.O. Wilson and Ida Waldran. One day, Wilson was wearing a gray sweater and Waldran was wearing a purple scraf. Both through purple and gray complemented each other.

• Art Professor Gene Hatfield and his craft class created the first statue of the UCA bear mascot during the 1950-51 academic year. The statue was made of clay and concrete. It was originally placed by the flag pole in front of the Administration Building (Main Hall). The bear’s most recent home is the north end zone of Estes Stadium. Students rub the statue for good luck before each game.

• In 1962, women were only allowed to wear shorts on campus while at the tennis courts and were required to cover up with a skirt or coat until they reached the courts.

Source: Proud to Say UCA! History and Traditions