College of Fine Arts and Communication News

Bob May, visiting assistant professor in the Department of Writing, will have his book on acting, Postcard Pointers to the Performer, published by Heuer Publishing, Cedar Rapids, IA. He is in the process of writing two other books, Postcard Pointers to the Play Director and Postcard Pointers to the Playwright that the publisher will also publish. His play, “The Great Santa Claus Reindeer Roundup” is being published by Brooklyn Publishers. May has had 21 of his plays published.

Garry Craig Powell, assistant professor in the Department of Writing, has had his short story, “No Free Lunch”, accepted for publication by the New Orleans Review.

Bryan Massey, professor of art, will have several of his sculptures on display at the Arkansas Sculptors Guild’s annual show and sale. He has participated in the show since 2005. The show is June 19 -20 at 101 E. Railroad Ave. in Morrilton.