UCA Tests Green Roof for Energy Savings

University of Central Arkansas officials are taking green efforts to a higher level — the roof top.

About 2,000 square-foot of sedum, a drought tolerant plant material, has been planted on the roof of Laney Hall. The test area will help officials determine green roof benefits and how it functions. Laney Hall was selected because its roof was structurally able to support the weight associated with the installation of a green roof.

A combination of various types of sedum plants have been planted in the test area, said Larry Lawrence, UCA physical plant director. Sedum plants are drought tolerant and it goes down similar to grass sod. It grows to an approximate height of six inches.

The existing roof was re-covered with a premium, white reflective therma plastic roof layer. Next, the area was leak tested with water to ensure all areas were sealed properly and then a water retention mat was placed on the therma plastic layer, Lawrence said. Finally, engineered soil was installed and then the sedum layer, which is like sod.

A green roof protects roof membrane resulting in longer material life span. Also, the soil material acts as an insulator resulting in energy savings. A green roof slows water runoff, which allows drainage systems to better handle rainwater and storm water.

Other benefits of a green roof are the potential for grants related to energy efficiencies and a green roof reduces re-roofing wastes in landfills, Lawrence said.

“We want to see how this roof performs and as we move forward into the future, green roofs will be a consideration with roof replacements and new construction,” he said.

Stocks and Mann Architects designed the project and Covington Roofing Company was the contractor.

The green roof is one of many energy and conservation projects at UCA. Other projects include water proofing 22 buildings; lighting retrofits; the purchase of exterior trash containers and recycles containers; additional roof coatings to extend roof life; LED lighting replacements at Mashburn Hall; new cooling towers at the library and health science; LED lighting in the Harding Fountain; and replacement of incandescent light bulbs in all University owned apartments with compact fluorescent bulbs.

UCA officials used money from the 2007 bond issue and stimulus funds to pay for the projects.