College of Health and Behavioral Sciences News

John Murphy, professor of psychology and counseling, recently completed the following section of a book chapter: “A Client-Directed, Solution-Focused Brief Therapist’s Perspective on Ruth.” In G. Corey, Case approach to counseling and psychotherapy (8th ed.), Belmont, CA: Thomson Higher Education. (Invited section in a chapter on postmodern approaches to psychotherapy)

Jennifer Brinegar, assistant professor of psychology, presented the paper “Self-Control Choices Using Running Reinforcement” at the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Annual Conference in Denver in April. Brinegar, along with J.M. Ottinger, also presented the paper “Baseline Observations in Female Rat Run Rates” at the Arkansas Symposium for Psychology Students in Conway in April. She also presented the paper “Differences in Run Rates of Male Rats Based on Free-Fed vs. 90% weight vs. 80% weight” with W.D. Sims and “Individual Patterns of Responding in Male Rats” with K.P. Wood at the Arkansas Symposium for Psychology Students.

Listed below are the presentations & awards the Department of Psychology and Counseling earned at the annual meeting of the Southwest Psychological Association:


• Collins, L. S., Smith, D. & Rowell, K.: Using COGNISTAT to predict dimentia

• Lammers, B. J. & Savina, E.: Perceptions of outstanding university teachers in the United States and Russia

• Tkachuk, K: Effect of preference for consistency on perception of appearance (Sponsor: Booher)

• Bihm, E. & Marsden, T. M.: Test-anxious thoughts: Dimensions and time course

• Hopper, J. L.: Student-Teacher Relationships Quality Matters… But What is Being Done About

• Broussard, B. G., Edgin, G. W., & Hoggard, K. P.: The Effects of Gender and Activity on Time
Spent in Car (Sponsor: Booher)

• Bullard, T. K.: The Relationship between Social and Probability Discounting (Sponsor: Charlton)

• Cagle, F. K.: The Student-Instructor Relationship Scale as a Predictor of Academic Success

• Zunick, P. & Nail, P.: Happiness and Other Psychological Correlates of Political Orientation

• Riels, A., Long, B. & Charlton, S. R.: Democrats and Republicans: Psychologically, Ideologically, or altogether different?

• Smith, D., Crocker, L. B., Staton, C., Gillaspy, A., & Charlton, S. R.: Psychometric Properties of the Outcome Rating Scale in a Non-Clinical Population.

• Wilson, K. & Charlton, S. R.: The psychometric properties of an online measure of temporal discounting

• Rowell, K.: Factor Structure of the COGNISTAT in an In-Patient Geropsychiatric Sample

• Varghese, F. P.: Employment Attitudes of Graduating College Students

• Hood, E. K., Hopper, J. L., Smith, D., & Collins, L. S.: Methamphetamine use: Evaluation of a
predictive model based upon gateway hypothesis

SWPA Talks:

• Abbott, H.: Are we green, grey, or do we just act that way? (Finalist: SWPA Research
Competition; Sponsor: Charlton)

• Gossett, B.: Delayed Risk Taking (Finalist: SWPA Research Competition; Sponsor: Charlton)

• Crunkleton, J.: To deceive or not to deceive? Testing cognitive dissonance theory without
deception (First Place Winner: SWPA Research Competition, Sponsor: Nail)

• Zunick, P.: Political Orientation and Prejudice: A Test of the Integrated Model of Racism
(Finalist: Graduate; Sponsor: Nail)

• Gossett, B. & Sobel, K.: Resistance to visual capture varies with individual differences in
working memory capacity

Psi Chi Talks:

• Cameron, B.: Anticipated Interaction and Dovidio and Gaertner’s (2005) Integrated Model of
Racism (Winner: Undergraduate Regional Research Award; Sponsor: Nail)

• Porter, C.: Cross-cultural differences in social and group discounting (Winner: Undergraduate
Regional Research Award; Sponsor: Charlton)

• Tosha, H. T.: No Need to Lie: Testing Cognitive Dissonance Theory without Deception (Winner:Undergraduate Regional Research Award; Sponsor: Nail)

• Fuqua, W.: Does Inequality Cause Differences between Conservatives and Liberals in
Happiness? (Sponsor: Nail)


• Crocker, L. B.: Psi Chi: Conversation Hour – How to Develop Leadership Skills (Chair)

• Crocker, L. B.: Psi Chi: Conversation Hour-Build and Maintain Vital Psi Chi Chapter (Chair)

• Crocker, L. B.: Psi Chi Poster Session 2 (Chair)

• Crocker, L. B.: Psi Chi: Panel-Top 10 Questions About Graduate School (Chair)