College of Fine Arts and Communication News

Dr. Rollin Potter, dean of the College of Fine Arts and Communication, was interviewed recently for an article in the Washington Post. The article was on the National Symphony Orchestra and its recent trip to West Virginia. Potter commented on the orchestra’s trip to Arkansas in 2009 and how the visit prompted him to become a member of the governing board of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. Potter stated: “I think it did step up my interest in how I could be involved with a front-line orchestra. It sparks enthusiasm and new ideas to have an orchestra like the NSO.”

Dr. Margaret Malek, an associate professor in the Writing Department, will participate in a roundtable presentation on “Promoting Paideia and Civic Engagement in Rhetorical Theory Pedagogy” at the biennial meeting of the Rhetoric Society of America in Minneapolis on May 28. Other participants in the roundtable will include Christina Standerfer, University of Arkansas Clinton School of Public Service; Amy Buxbaum, North Central College; and Paul Turpin, University of the Pacific.