College of Education News

UCA Leadership Institute Summer 2010 is scheduled for June 11 at the Brewer-Hageman Center. The event will begin at 8:30 a.m. The keynote speaker is Dr. Ellen Goldring, Patricia and Rodes Hart chair and professor of Education Policy and Leadership at Vanderbilt University. A nationally renowned researcher, she has devoted her career to studying school principals and how they can improve schools, educational conditions for children, and school outcomes. She has done considerable work in recent years on assessing leadership behaviors that influence student learning. Breakout session topics include: Effective Principal Evaluation: Orientation to the VAL-ED Instrument; Using Data for School Improvement; Implications of Social Networking Tools for Education; Developing Effective Leadership Teams; Copyright Issues in a Digital World: The Impact on Education; and Improving Parental Involvement. For more information, contact Dr. Terry James at 501-450-3282 or email