Information Technology News

Training Sessions

Information Technology offers training courses for the faculty and staff of UCA to help better utilize some of the services we provide.

GroupWise Orientation

GroupWise orientation provides employees the opportunity to become familiar with the basics of email messaging using the GroupWise application. The orientation covers the different message types, and how to read, respond, forward, and delete messages. Being able to select a name from a list of addressees is an essential part of any email program. While in
class, employees will learn how to interact with the GroupWise address book,manage contacts, and create groups of email recipients. Also, employees will learn how to manage their email accounts by checking the size of messages, moving mail to other locations, and how to customize the GroupWise environment. The current issues concerning junk mail and what to do about them will also be discussed.


Novell iFolder is a Net service software solution that allows files to automatically follow everywhere-online, offline, all the time across multiple workstations and the internet. Simply store your files in the iFolder directory on your workstation. As you work, the iFolder client intelligently tracks and logs updates to your files. It can automatically and transparently synchronize those changes through internet of network connections with your files on the iFolder server and the various workstations that you use.For a complete list of training sessions offered, visit our website at:


A reminder that we cannot give out faculty/staff or student passwords or PIN Numbers over the phone. In order for someone to receive their password or PIN, they must come to the Information Technology Helpdesk with a picture ID.

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