Child Study Center Earns National Accreditation

The UCA Child Study Center recently earned accreditation from the National Association for the Education of Young Children, the nation’s leading organization of early childhood professionals.

The center went through an extensive self-study process measuring the program and its services against the ten early childhood program standards and more than 400 related accreditation criteria. The program received accreditation after a site visit by NAEYC assessors to ensure that the program meets each of the ten program standards. NAEYC accredited programs are also subject to unannounced visits during their accreditation, which lasts for five years.

The UCA Child Study Center is the only preschool in Faulkner County that has earned NAEYC accreditation. The program is one of only six in the state of Arkansas that holds and maintains this quality standard for the children and their families.

The NAEYC accreditation system was created to set professional standards for early childhood education, and to help families identify high-quality preschools, child care centers and other early education programs.

The center is located on the campus of the University of Central Arkansas and is an integral part of the Early Childhood Special Education Department and the College of Education.

“We’re proud to have earned the mark of quality from NAEYC, and to be recognized for our commitment to reaching the highest professional standards,” said Kathy Moore, director of the UCA Child Study Center. “NAEYC Accreditation sends a clear message to families in our community that children in our program are getting the best care and early learning experiences possible.”

The qualified teachers, student workers, and graduate assistants work well as a team and bring the high standard of early childhood education to each and every student at the center, Moore said.

The center’s goal is to:

• Provide a community service to area families and a distinguishing characteristic for UCA.

• Serve as a model of developmentally appropriate activities with best practices demonstrated to benefit students in the program and college students involved in the teacher education program.

• Serve as a site for research and study of young children. Many departments from all over the UCA campus visit the Child Study Center for field opportunities throughout the semester.

• Provide an inclusive preschool program where children who have disabilities and who speak English as a Second Language are included in a regular classroom setting.

NAEYC Accreditation is a widely recognized sign of high-quality early childhood education. Almost 8,000 programs, serving one million young children, are currently accredited by NAEYC – approximately 8 percent of all preschools and other early childhood programs.

“The NAEYC Accreditation system raises the bar for preschools, child care centers and other early childhood programs,” said Mark Ginsberg, Ph.D., executive director of NAEYC. “UCA Child Study Center’s NAEYC accreditation is a sign that they are a leader in a national effort to invest in high-quality early childhood education, and to help give all children a better start.”