UCA Debate Team Hosts National Tournament

The University of Central Arkansas Debate team hosted the 2010 International Public Debate Association National Tournament March 26 through March 28.

Competitive rounds were held throughout the weekend across campus. It culminated with the IPDA Awards Luncheon on March 28.

More than 200 competitors from 12 universities and colleges from six states took part in the tournament. Two high schools also competed.

International Public Debate Association promotes public forum debate, a format that uses public speaking skills and logic to build persuasive argumentation aimed at a general audience. IPDA focuses on enhancing education, rhetorical skill building and the development of fellowship. It is meant to apply critical thinking and oratorical skills in developing persuasive arguments.

The UCA debate team is coached by Anthony McMullen, an adjunct instructor in the College of Business and Mark Lowery, a Department of Speech and Public Relations adjunct instructor. The debate team is an approved university activity of the Department of Speech and Public Relations.

“The UCA Debate team has been up and running three years now, and to host this national tournament so soon is a great honor,” Lowery said.