UCA Circle K Club Wins Awards at District Convention

Fourteen members of the University of Central Arkansas Circle K Club attended the Missouri-Arkansas Circle K District Convention in Osage Beach, Missouri on March 5-7.

UCA Circle K is a collegiate community service organization that is sponsored by the Conway Kiwanis Club. It is part of a world-wide K-Family network consisting of Kiwanis Clubs, Circle K Clubs, Key Clubs, Builder Clubs and K-Clubs. This past year, UCA Circle K members participated in 40 service activities while donating nearly 700 volunteer hours to the community.

The UCA Circle K Club received several awards at the district convention including Outstanding Scrapbook Award; Outstanding Club T-shirt Award; Most Mileage Award for District Convention Attendance; Distinguished Club President Award given to Matt Gill; Distinguished Club Secretary Award given to Amanda Mangus; Distinguished Faculty Advisor award given to Gary Roberts; Distinguished Kiwanis Sponsorship Award given to the Conway Kiwanis Club; and the Outstanding Club Achievement Award for the best overall club in the Missouri-Arkansas District. Information about UCA Circle K can be found on Facebook at Bears Circle K.