Purchasing Announces Deadlines for Purchase Requisitions

The end of fiscal year 2010 is three months away, which means deadlines for submissions of purchase requisitions are near. Requisitions must be received early enough to allow the Purchasing Department to bid, purchase, receive and pay for the order by June 30.

Items requested after the noted deadlines will be considered on an emergency basis and will require approval from Diane Newton, vice president of finance and administration before Purchasing will process the request.

The deadlines below apply to all accounts, including grants.


• Physical Plant “new” projects to pay with this fiscal year funds April 9

• Bid Request and Capital Equipment Purchases – including grants May 5
($2,500 and above)

• Last date to process Requisitions – excluding grants May 19
(Note: Requisitions must be completed in Banner by May 19)

• Last day to process Grant Requisitions June 8

• P-Card (last date to make charges) – including grants June 8

• Supply Storeroom Purchases June 24
Supply Storeroom will close for Annual Inventory June 25-30.
Storeroom will reopen on July 1 at 9 a.m.

For more information or questions, contact the Purchasing Office at 450-3173.