Construction Projects Continue into May

UCA’s Physical Plant continues to oversee a large number of construction projects. These projects were paid for with bond money and stimulus funds. More than $2.6 million of bond money was used for repairs, maintenance, and equipment purchase. A majority of the $4.7 million is stimulus funds- about $3 million- was used for roof repairs, waterproofing of buildings and lighting projects. About $1 million was set aside for housing needs.

Some of the ongoing projects around campus are:

• Waterproofing work continues on 22 buildings on campus. The contractor is approximately 30% complete.

• Roof work is complete at Burdick and nearing completion on McCastlain. The flat portion of the roof at McCastlain has been slowed due to weather and cold temperatures.

• New fire alarm systems are underway at Mashburn, Burdick and Farris Center.

• Roof work should begin at Stadium Park around April 1, where twelve roofs will be replaced.

• New stage curtains and window curtains are being bid for Ida Waldran Auditorium. In addition, some stage repairs and painting will occur as well.

• Work is continuing in some areas of Burdick. Painting, floor coverings, locksets, ceiling tile replacement, etc., are examples of work.

• Specifications and bids are being finalized for summer work in Housing residence halls. The majority of renovations will occur in Arkansas Hall, but all halls and apartments will have cleaning take place as well as strip and waxing of hard surface floors and carpets cleaned.

• Sidewalk work is still progress with completion expected late April or early May.

• Two cell tower contracts are nearing finalization. One location is the parking lot on Donaghey where the shuttles pick up at softball fields and the other is at the Arkansas Department of Emergency Management property that was purchased by UCA a few years ago.

• Installation of a new emergency generator is underway at the University Police building. Completion estimated at mid-April.

• Harding Fountain will have L.E.D. lighting installed during Spring break.

• Cooling tower work is underway at Torreyson Library and Doyne Health Science.

• Library carpet replacement still in progress.

• 1951 South Boulevard-guest house-renovation in progress.

• Renovation of (9) Stadium Park apartments (interior)-in progress.

• Exterior doors being replaced at Thompson Hall-in progress.

• Entry doors to Farris pool being replaced-in progress.

• Routine and daily work-general custodial cleaning, campus filter changes, chiller maintenance, athletic field maintenance and various general work orders.

• Work underway at Meadors building (ROTC). Examples of work-floors, paint, lead abatement, pigeon feces abatement and window repairs.

• New instrument lockers have been installed at Snow Fine Arts-job complete.

• Work to replace incandescent light bulbs in all University owned apartments with compact fluorescent bulbs will begin late March and complete by May 15.

• New fan coil units will be installed at Burdick and Health Science by August 31, barring any unforeseen issues.

• New cabling being installed in Mashburn, Irby and Main Hall-in progress.

• New overhang/porch work to begin late March at north entry to Doyne Health Science.

• New carpet in hallways of Main Hall-work to begin early April and complete near mid-May.

• All new trashcans for campus have been received and have been placed on campus.

• The two charter buses manufactured by Motor Coach Industries have been received by Physical Plant. We are currently working to get the buses painted to UCA colors. By mid-March the schedule is heavy and the buses will be used often.

• Physical Plant will soon receive a new 65’ man-lift as well as a new fork lift. These were purchased with bond funds and will help Physical Plant to better serve the campus with exterior lighting issues and tree trimming, and events.