Honors College News

One hundred Honors College sophomores presented lectures on Sat., Feb. 13, 2010, that were evaluated by instructors and alumni, as part of a matriculation process that orients students preparing for the minor in Honors Interdisciplinary Studies. Students and their lecture titles include:

Jordan Karpe A History of Palestine: An Exploration of Martyrdom

Danny Keil “I Am Cyborg (and so can you)”

Shannon Kelly Sexism and Gender Roles in Disney’s Mulan

Tommy Kennedy Salaries of Coaches and Players of Professional Sports

Eliza Killey The Ethics of Stem Cell Research

Doug Knight Making Aldo Proud

Ella Loveless Theatre

Daniel Mackintosh The Earth is Round, Right? An Analysis of the Flat Earth Society

Ben Maddox The Welfare Myth: Revealing the Reality behind the Policies

Hannah Marks A Shaman a Day Keeps the Spirits Away

Casey Mikula The Real Message of the Bible: God’s Love for Mankind throughout the

Matt Miller Medicine in Costa Rica

Shannon Miller How Oz Evolves to Showcase American Political and Social Flaws

Trent Miller Lucid Dreaming

Ariel Moore Knitting in the New Generation

Rebecca Moye The Controversies over Parental-Consent Laws

Elizabeth Naglak The Ethics of Euthanasia

Alisha Neblett More than Superstition: Magic Realism in Latin American Novels

Lynn Nguyen Bottled Water: Is It Worth It?

Veyonce Njwaba Zanzibar Is the Place to Be

Christabel Nyange The Coconut in Tanzania

Kate Pitts Ginkgo Biloba – Wisdom Rooted in the Ancients

Jonathan Randle Why So Few? Classical African-American Composers

Kim Risi Lost in Translation: Art of Turning Novels into Films

Nathan Robbins The Case for Social Moderation: Dangers of Ultra-Conservatism and
Ultra-Liberalism in Society

Mallory Roberson Feral Children

Renee Ronquillo Japanese Culture as Depicted in Manga