Staff Senate Seeks Nominations for Employee of the Year

The Staff Senate is now accepting nominations and references for the 2010 Employee of the Year. Any current faculty, staff, student, or alumni can nominate someone for employee of the year.

The nominee must have completed two full years of service by December 31, 2009 to be eligible for Employee of the Year.

All forms will be submitted online for this year’s process.To make a nomination, fill out the nomination form at: Once you have filled out the nomination form, you must also solicit three references. Only one nomination form needs to be filled out for any one person. A nominator cannot fill out a reference form for a nominee.

The reference form can be found at: We will accept any number of references for a nominee, but we must receive at least three to be an official nominee.

The nomination and reference forms are due no later than 10 a.m., Fri., March 12. A senator will contact the nominee to see if they accept the nomination. For more information and see past winners, go to

“I chaired this committee last year and was blown away by the dedication and commitment that the nominees had for UCA and more importantly, the students,” said Larry Burns, Staff Senate interim president. “It was an honor to recognize these individuals. This year will be no different. There are many staff members that deserve to be recognized for their contributions – they just need to be nominated.”

If you have any questions about the process, please contact Stephanie Hailey McBrayer at 450-3132 or