
Two students doing occupation therapyI’m studying Occupational Therapy at UCA.  It’s one of many in-demand programs found nowhere else in Arkansas.  Not only that, but UCA’s Occupational Therapy degree is well known and well respected by professionals already working in the field – so UCA’s reputation will precede me as I begin my career.

Graduates from my program typically receive multiple job offers, with 95 percent of us employed by graduation day.  Along the way, my time at UCA has been filled with great experiences.  I’ve lived in one of the residential colleges on campus, which is a great way to immerse yourself in your studies and build relationships with faculty.  I’ve also been a junior mentor, and I’m part of the Honors Program.

One of the things I love most about my education from UCA is how it’s a collaborative and interactive experience, like the one I’ll be part of in my eventual career.  Our work is interdisciplinary, bringing us together with other students from departments like Nursing, Speech Pathology, and Physical Therapy.  Every semester has offered clinic experience with my last semester being all hands-on work.  It’s how UCA has put me front and center as I pursue my future.